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Föreläsning, workshop, utbildning

Här hittar du vanligt efterfrågade ämnen men självklart kan jag också sätta ihop en lösning utifrån utifrån just era behov. Alla ämnen kan levereras i form av föreläsning, mer fördjupande workshop eller längre utbildning.


Om du är osäker vad ni behöver, är du varmt välkommen att höra av dig så diskuterar vi era behov och möjliga insatser. 



inkl led
MÃ¥ngfald och inkludering i styrelserummet

Mångfald och inkludering i styrelserummet

inclusion impact ledarskap

Inclusion Impact ledarskapsprogram

en inkluderande teknikbransch

En inkluderande teknikbransch - nu eller aldrig!

härskartekniker makt arbetsmiljö

Härskartekniker, makt & arbetsmiljö

MÃ¥ngfald inkludering

Mångfald & inkludering - vad, varför & hur?

inkluderande ledarskap

Inkluderande ledarskap

inkluderande rekrytering

Inkluderande rekrytering

inkluderande grupper bemötande

Inkluderande grupper

beräkna besparingar

Jämställd och icke-diskriminerande lönesättning


#metoo och vägen framåt


Feedback, så enkelt och så svårt!

Colorful Visitkort

Diversity & Inclusion - a Business Strategy for the Future

Many companies face challenges linked to talent supply and a large part of Sweden's small and medium-sized companies feel that access to the right skills is a major obstacle to their growth. But could it be that there is competence in the labor market but that we don't find it because we don't look for it in the right way? Or because we don't build organizations that value and include different types of employees?


By building diverse and inclusive organizations, it's possible to attract and recruit talent from a broader base and at the same time retain talent in an increasingly competitive labor market.


We know that gender equality, diversity and inclusion lead to smarter and better organizations. But we also know that it can be difficult to change organizations from these perspectives, often because of our preconceived notions or expectations, or unconscious bias. By having the courage to examine ourselves and identify pitfalls where we may unknowingly exclude or even discriminate, we take important steps to achieve change.



  • Gender equality, diversity and inclusion - a review of the different concepts and how they are connected.

  • Inclusion in practice and what inclusive organizations are characterized by in terms of leadership and work environment.

  • What the research says about equal, diverse and inclusive organizations and how it can be applied in your organization.

  • How unconscious bias works and affects our values, decisions, processes and attitudes.

  • How routines, processes and structures can be designed to enable a more equal and inclusive approach in the organization.

  • Inclusive leadership and the role of managers in building inclusive organizations.


Innovation & Inclusion or 1 + 1 = 3

Diverse and inclusive organizations have a higher degree of innovation in collaboration, organizations, products, services and solutions. In this session, we explore why, what benefits linked to innovation that diverse and inclusive organizations have and how we must dare to think and do things differently. We also explore how an innovative approach to diversity and inclusion look like. We look at examples of how others have worked, the results they have achieved and how those experiences and knowledge can be applied in your organization.



  • Innovation in organizational development

  • The links between inclusion and innovation

  • Traditional and innovative methods for achieving more equal and inclusive organizations

  • Challenges and opportunities to take your work forward

inkluderande rekrytering

Innovation & Inclusion or 1 + 1 = 3

Diverse and inclusive organizations have a higher degree of innovation in collaboration, organizations, products, services and solutions. In this session, we explore why, what benefits linked to innovation that diverse and inclusive organizations have and how we must dare to think and do things differently. We also explore how an innovative approach to diversity and inclusion look like. We look at examples of how others have worked, the results they have achieved and how those experiences and knowledge can be applied in your organization.



  • Innovation in organizational development

  • The links between inclusion and innovation

  • Traditional and innovative methods for achieving more equal and inclusive organizations

  • Challenges and opportunities to take your work forward

Alla händer in

Innovation & Inclusion or 1 + 1 = 3

Diverse and inclusive organizations have a higher degree of innovation in collaboration, organizations, products, services and solutions. In this session, we explore why, what benefits linked to innovation that diverse and inclusive organizations have and how we must dare to think and do things differently. We also explore how an innovative approach to diversity and inclusion look like. We look at examples of how others have worked, the results they have achieved and how those experiences and knowledge can be applied in your organization.



  • Innovation in organizational development

  • The links between inclusion and innovation

  • Traditional and innovative methods for achieving more equal and inclusive organizations

  • Challenges and opportunities to take your work forward


Innovation & Inclusion or 1 + 1 = 3

Diverse and inclusive organizations have a higher degree of innovation in collaboration, organizations, products, services and solutions. In this session, we explore why, what benefits linked to innovation that diverse and inclusive organizations have and how we must dare to think and do things differently. We also explore how an innovative approach to diversity and inclusion look like. We look at examples of how others have worked, the results they have achieved and how those experiences and knowledge can be applied in your organization.



  • Innovation in organizational development

  • The links between inclusion and innovation

  • Traditional and innovative methods for achieving more equal and inclusive organizations

  • Challenges and opportunities to take your work forward

omslagsbild ny.png

Innovation & Inclusion or 1 + 1 = 3

Diverse and inclusive organizations have a higher degree of innovation in collaboration, organizations, products, services and solutions. In this session, we explore why, what benefits linked to innovation that diverse and inclusive organizations have and how we must dare to think and do things differently. We also explore how an innovative approach to diversity and inclusion look like. We look at examples of how others have worked, the results they have achieved and how those experiences and knowledge can be applied in your organization.



  • Innovation in organizational development

  • The links between inclusion and innovation

  • Traditional and innovative methods for achieving more equal and inclusive organizations

  • Challenges and opportunities to take your work forward


Inclusive Tech - Now or Never!

In 2024, it is estimated that there will be a shortage of 70,000 people in tech in Sweden. At the same time however, the industry has not succeeded in solving the challenge of the gender gap. The vast majority of organizations work to improve the gender gap but despite this, the number of women who go into and remain in tech has steadily decreased over time, both in Sweden and across Europe.

Why is this and what should be done about it? During 2020, I examined a number of tech companies and identified the challenges they experience in terms of increasing the proportion of women and what the keys are in adressing the gender gap and building more inclusive organizations, for all.



  • The gender gap in tech today and the development over time

  • Challenges in increasing the proportion of women

  • Activities and focus areas to increase the proportion of women

  • Strategy and execution to build more equal, diverse and inclusive organizations


Master Suppression Techniques, Power & Work Environment

Do you ever leave meetings with a sense of failure or that you didn't achieve what you wanted? Maybe you feel stupid or that you missed something important that everyone else seemed to know.


The reason may be that you have been exposed to master suppression techniques, a common expression of power. The techniques appear in all possible contexts and are sometimes caused by, and always lead to, a shift in the power balance. We are all exposed to them at some point in life and the vast majority of us also use these techniques, knowinglyg or unknowingly. By being able to identify when the techniques are used, you will be able to handle situations in a more objective way and thereby reduce the negative effects they can have.



  • Power and master suppression techniques

  • Environments in which master suppression techniques often take hold

  • Different master suppression techniques and strategies for identifying and dealing with them

  • Methods to intellectualize situations and thereby reduce the negative impact of master suppression techniques

  • How to support others 

  • Methods and advice for building healthier workplace environments 

beräkna besparingar

Master Suppression Techniques, Power & Work Environment

Do you ever leave meetings with a sense of failure or that you didn't achieve what you wanted? Maybe you feel stupid or that you missed something important that everyone else seemed to know.


The reason may be that you have been exposed to master suppression techniques, a common expression of power. The techniques appear in all possible contexts and are sometimes caused by, and always lead to, a shift in the power balance. We are all exposed to them at some point in life and the vast majority of us also use these techniques, knowinglyg or unknowingly. By being able to identify when the techniques are used, you will be able to handle situations in a more objective way and thereby reduce the negative effects they can have.



  • Power and master suppression techniques

  • Environments in which master suppression techniques often take hold

  • Different master suppression techniques and strategies for identifying and dealing with them

  • Methods to intellectualize situations and thereby reduce the negative impact of master suppression techniques

  • How to support others 

  • Methods and advice for building healthier workplace environments 


#metoo and The Way Forward

In the fall of 2017, #metoo exploded. The movement had an enormous impact in Sweden with more than 65 subsequent hashtahgs representing a wide variety of groups. Metoo showed how widespread sexual harassment is and the fact that a lot of work still remains to create healthy work environments for everyone. What does #metoo say about our time from a gender perspective and what can we do about the fact that we have workplaces where too many people are subjected to sexual harassment? As one of the coordinators behind #teknisktfel, the technology industry's appeal, I have been active in the movement from the beginning



  • The background of #metoo and #metoo in Sweden

  • What changes has #metoo led to?

  • Work environment risks and sexual harassment

  • The Discrimination Act and how to work to prevent discrimination and promote a non-discriminatory work environment

  • Tools and methods for inclusive work environments


Feedback - så enkelt och så svårt

Att ha en positiv feedbackkultur i organisationen är en viktig nyckel i inkluderande organisationer. Att ge och ta emot feedback på ett sätt som utvecklar, lyfter, uppmuntrar och stärker är otroligt viktigt men kan också vara svårt. Vi är ofta rädda för ge feedback som kan upplevas som kritisk vilket ibland leder till att vår feedback blir otydlig eller till och med sårande. Men att se feedback som en chans att utvecklas kan leda till att man öppnar upp för nya tankar, lärdomar och möjligheter. I den här workshopen djupdyker vi i hur man ger och tar emot feedback på bästa sätt, hur man bygger en feedbackkultur och hur man håller den levande.



  • Hur du kan planera din feedback på ett genomtänkt och strukturerat sätt

  • Hur du levererar feedback på ett sätt så mottagaren kan ta till sig det

  • Feedbacktrappan – att medvetandegöra sina känslor och ta emot feedback på ett öppet och lärande sätt

  • Feedbackkultur i organisation – hur man bygger in vanor, beteenden och rutiner för en god feedbackkultur

  • Nästa steg i er organisation


Såhär säger mina kunder

Ida Boman, Social Media Specialist, Toxic Interactive Solutions, om Jämställdhet, mångfald & inkludering - vad, varför & hur?

Vi är väldigt nöjda med de två föreläsningarna och upplever att de verkligen åstadkom det som var syftet – det vill säga att öka medvetenheten internt inom dessa frågor, att få medarbetarna att sätta på sig jämlikhets- och inkluderingsglasögonen och att börja identifiera och arbeta med detta i sin vardag.


Sara har varit både proffsig och strukturerad i allt ifrån kontakt med mig som beställare, till genomförande och uppföljning. Eftersom föreläsningarna var interaktiva, med aktiva frågeställningar och enkäter, har vi dessutom fått med oss en skatt av material att arbeta vidare med.

Ebba Törnqvist Forsberg, föreläsningskoordinator Kontaktdagarna Uppsala Universitet, om inspirationsföreläsning om tech och karriär

Under Saras föreläsning på Kontaktdagarna 2021 fick deltagarna sig en tankeställare om hur könsfördelningen på arbetsplatser påverkar dynamiken inom gruppen. Vi fick en inblick i hur Tech-branschen står öppen för anställning och vår möjlighet att hitta ett företag som passar i arbetsuppgifter men också värderingar. Saras föreläsning var ärlig och inspirerande.  Den gav oss studenter en push för att våga stå upp för vårt egna värde hos framtida arbetsgivare.

Senior Project Manager/Senior Consultant, Capgemini, om En inkluderande teknikbransch - nu eller aldrig!

Föresläsningen var proffsigt utförd av Sara och var väldigt konkret på ämnet med tydligt budskap. Det gav en tankeställare och mycket efterdiskussioner då föreläsningen gav inblick i ett ämne som inspirerar och berör. Mycket av det som diskuterades tog jag med mig vidare. Jag skulle absolut rekommendera den här föreläsningen till andra – just för Saras förmåga att förmedla och inspirera med tydligt budskap, samt att den gav eftertankar och handling långt efter föreläsningen.

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